Editorial Services


SFF Authors


This is the final step on your manuscript’s journey. When complete, your book will be ready to publish.

Proofreads include checks for:

  • Spelling & punctuation

  • Grammar

  • Consistency

  • Clarity

Free sample proofreads are available for novels over 30,000 words.


 £0.0085 per word 

Manuscript Evaluations

Manuscript evaluations help you identify what is and isn’t working and help you find solutions so everything works.

Key areas of feedback are:

  • Plot & Pacing

  • Characters

  • Tone & Style

Plus notes on other elements of writing to help you improve your craft.

Reader reports are typically 10–20 pages long (based on a 100,000 word novel).


 £0.006 per word 


Get in Touch!

Don’t forget to include key information about your project such as word count, genre, and deadline.

To get free editorial advice, sign up to my newsletter!


  • Many factors impact this; as such I am unable to give a definitive answer here.

    No matter the project, we will agree on a deadline before any work begins and I am always happy to update you on my progress.

  • No. Proofreaders are your last line of defence; the guard who stop pesky typos and unwieldy commas from entering the published world.

    Copyeditors work to improve the craft of your prose.

    When working with self-publishing authors, I often work as a proof-editor, a hybrid of copyediting and proofreading. This allows me to help you improve elements of your manuscript that would normally be outside of a proofreader’s remit, reducing the overall cost of editing.

    If you’re unsure where you are in the editorial process, check out this post on my Substack.

  • I do, though my primary focus is on science-fiction and fantasy stories.

    If after the sample edit we find we aren’t a good fit for each other, I am more than happy to refer you to another great editor who will fit your genre or style better.

  • No, I do not use AI tools to edit or read manuscripts. All editing and reading is done solely by me.

  • Sometimes I will be, but your best bet is to get in touch a few weeks before you need my services. This will give us time to discuss your manuscript and book a slot so you can meet your deadline.


Essential Grammar (The Publishing Training Centre), January 2023: Self-assessed.

Essential Proofreading (The Publishing Training Centre), March 2023: Pass.

Copyediting 1 (Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders), February 2024: Pass.